My opinion here may make a lot of people angry. But think about it and judge my view here carefully. I grew up in a multiracial environment somewhere in Selayang. I have had my share of good relationships and also bad relationships with many neighbours. But never did any problem turn into a racial one as we had an understanding with each other. we had a trust in each other.
That's what matters most .. the trust. It takes time to develop trust onto another man or a group of people. And it doesn't come easy. We have been a free country for the last 52 years and how much trust have gained of the other races or people? Not much. We still have the ethnic labels such as keling, belacan, mamak or apek still alive in the Malaysia vocabulary till today. And its going to be there for a long time if the current trend in racial relationships continue.
Now back to fundamentals... How did my neighbours and me mingle with each other so well? in fact i tell you, i like my Chinese neighbour more than the Indian ones. The worst is one guy next to my house.. one typical Ceylonese asshole, too arrogant with his two cars and that big stupid dog of his. How did that happen?
It was because we had been staying together for so many years in the same area and saw each other's faces everyday and observed each other's fallacies as well as our courtesies. That taught me to appreciate another person and at the same time to wonder about the follies about my own people. Sounds like any of your experience?
So the trick is to place all the people of all the races into one place and make them mingle. That alone will do wonders. Best if they were children. Kids really dont care about race or religion when they mix with each other. It is we the stupid parents who tell them who to mix with and who not to. We teach them about race and religion and then we whack our heads on the walls when there is a racial clash on the streets. Some even go as far as to write all over their blogs about racial unity but what happens at home?
Thats why we need schools, to counter all the rubbish that we stupid parents plant inside their heads. And the mixture of races and intermingling does not happen in anywhere better than the national schools. We have teachers and students of all races all mixing around each other very well and forming an environment where racial bounderies are blurred out. Thats what we need. Not separate Chinese schools , Tamil schools and Malays schools that continue the British administrative genius of ' break and rule'.
First the Chinese schools. Dont be so 'kiahsu' laa ok... You think what maa? You come from Chinese school you big time thyko aah? My dears.. have you tried to talk to the Chinese School students in English? Thats right, you tried and you gave up didn't you? Yup the Chinese school English is down the drain. One student I knew memorises the whole English essay from the book and just adjusts the essay by reconstituting some words and changing phrases. Dont believe me right? Of course they are very good in Maths. But that doesn't mean that all the students in national schools suck at algebra. Maths is not the only thing important. How much do you think Mr. Obama know about Maths? The problem is not that the students in Chinese school cannot learn English but its just that they are thought that they are more superior than other races and thus the super racist attitudes of the students from these schools. Yup i mean it. Nearly everyone. I studied in University Malaya and there were a lot of Chinese students from Chinese schools and I cant point to anyone who was a close friend. They dont mix with others, the kelings and the belacans.
Then the Tamils schools. What the hell is going on in the tamil schools in the country? They have been there for how long? How many actually have proper teaching facilities? Dont talk about facilities.. how many actually have qualified teachers? Pass SPM and you can become a teacher in a tamil school. Because of this none of the Indian parents in any state want to send their children to any Tamil school. Dont blame the government for that. Where were all the Indian politicians? I dont hear any suggestions from them to improve the syllabus or qualitiy of teaching in those schools. Because they are too busy playing politics and are more concerned about the lyrics for their party official song. Yup thats what they do best in all the Tamil schools nowadays. Singing and dancing... And dont forget these schools are the main breeding grounds for the gansters. These schools are a failure. The problem is the Indian community does not have a powerful majority in the country to demand for a separate school system. The British understood that and thats why the former masters of the estates did not bother to establish a Tamil education system. But the Indian leaders who followed then wanted Tamil schools for a show of ego. They wanted the Tamils at that time to feel some pride for themselves. They planted the fear that the Tamil language will perish if the Tamil schools were abolished. Bullshit.. hey man Tamil has been in existence for the past 4000 years la. To make the language immortal is in the heart of the us the lazy Tamilians to speak the language and love doing it. Go and speak Tamil to any of those high class Tamilian buggers, especially the women, and see if they understand. They cant talk a single fcuking word of it. You know why? Because of their stupid parents who tought them that the Tamil language is a ' low class' language and speaking in English makes them more 'high class'. I know .. my parents tried to do the same.. fortunately i had a brain of my own. I am a doctor and when i meet my Indian friends we only speak in Tamil.
So there's no need to worry about the Chinese or Tamil language, culture or tradition disappearing form our society. As long as we value our ancestor's heritage, then they are safe.
So who needs all these vernacular schools? no one.. I give my full support for the government to shut down all the vernacular schools and change them into national schools. We have to think about our unification and peace for the country first than drowning ourselves in chauvenism and racism.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Hmmm... now PAS wants more power. Thats ok they are in the very core of politics. Its ok actually, because in the end its what every politician wants, more and more power. But wait PAS stands for more than just politics. Being one of the oldest political party, actually it is the oldest as the old UMNO was abolished by Tun Dr. Mahathir remember; the party stands to represent the political acolyte of a pure Islamist political system. Thats right they have been honest from the start, that is to establish an Islamic government in Malaysia. But the question is how come thay have not won the federal government by now when the majority of the population of Malaysia are Muslims?
It is because the BN government had placed a barricade in Pas's way to Putrajaya. The BN government had been very intelligent in playing their cards right in governing the state as a secular state and at the same time claiming the the country to be an Islamic country. There is no intention to hoodwink anyone here. I cant agree more that Malaysia is truly an Islamic state here. Malaysia is a member of OIC and has played a very important role in promoting Islam and helping other Islamic countries in monetary, relieve aid to troubled nations and also in education. Today, Malaysia is seen as a champion of Islam. it should be. Which other muslim majority country in the world can share the same limelight with Malaysia as a Islamic country which has enjoyed excellent industrial, economic and scientific growth as Malaysia? take for example Saudi Arabia; although swimming in oil revenues, the country is a land where culture and religion are at breakneck violent collision with modernization. in Afghanistan, even the television was banned by the Taliban, a group that took Islam to the extreme and was blamed for the negative perception of the world towards islam. It was for the wisdom of the much critizised former premier of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir that Malaysia was able to achieve all this. He understood the mindset of the Malay population of whom the majority are Musllims and also his political lifeline where the majority of his support came from. He knew that religion and race were locked inside Pandora's Box which he should not open even if he had the key. If he had vouched for a more liberal Islam then he would lost his power a long time ago. Why? because there was an enemy waiting in the bushes, secretly watching his every move, like a hungry lion stalking a lost deer, waiting for him to slip up. He didn't, at least not in the matters of religion or race. The enemy I am talking about is of course Pas.
Now dont get me wrong. I am not against Pas or anybody. but since the inception of the party, they have labelled the UMNO and BN as whole as an unholy coalition that did not practise the true doctrines of Islam. They have claimed that they represented the true teachings of Islam and that the members in Pas are not just mere politicians but religious teachers that are appointed to guide the Muslims in Malaysia. UMNO and BN were seen as corrupted to the core. The publications of the party were always contemptious towards TDM.
But what happened now? The corrupt party suddenly became clean? the always conservative Pas suddnely saw the beacon of wisdom in UMNO style of politics? Honestly, I dont know. But whats
It is because the BN government had placed a barricade in Pas's way to Putrajaya. The BN government had been very intelligent in playing their cards right in governing the state as a secular state and at the same time claiming the the country to be an Islamic country. There is no intention to hoodwink anyone here. I cant agree more that Malaysia is truly an Islamic state here. Malaysia is a member of OIC and has played a very important role in promoting Islam and helping other Islamic countries in monetary, relieve aid to troubled nations and also in education. Today, Malaysia is seen as a champion of Islam. it should be. Which other muslim majority country in the world can share the same limelight with Malaysia as a Islamic country which has enjoyed excellent industrial, economic and scientific growth as Malaysia? take for example Saudi Arabia; although swimming in oil revenues, the country is a land where culture and religion are at breakneck violent collision with modernization. in Afghanistan, even the television was banned by the Taliban, a group that took Islam to the extreme and was blamed for the negative perception of the world towards islam. It was for the wisdom of the much critizised former premier of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir that Malaysia was able to achieve all this. He understood the mindset of the Malay population of whom the majority are Musllims and also his political lifeline where the majority of his support came from. He knew that religion and race were locked inside Pandora's Box which he should not open even if he had the key. If he had vouched for a more liberal Islam then he would lost his power a long time ago. Why? because there was an enemy waiting in the bushes, secretly watching his every move, like a hungry lion stalking a lost deer, waiting for him to slip up. He didn't, at least not in the matters of religion or race. The enemy I am talking about is of course Pas.
Now dont get me wrong. I am not against Pas or anybody. but since the inception of the party, they have labelled the UMNO and BN as whole as an unholy coalition that did not practise the true doctrines of Islam. They have claimed that they represented the true teachings of Islam and that the members in Pas are not just mere politicians but religious teachers that are appointed to guide the Muslims in Malaysia. UMNO and BN were seen as corrupted to the core. The publications of the party were always contemptious towards TDM.
But what happened now? The corrupt party suddenly became clean? the always conservative Pas suddnely saw the beacon of wisdom in UMNO style of politics? Honestly, I dont know. But whats
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Mr. Mohideeen Yassin's suggestion for limiting the number of subjects taken for the SPM exam is really something to ponder over. in my opinion it is what precisely warranted to solve all the ruckus about the PSD scholarship awards not being fair. how else do you intend to judge the qualifications of a group of students who are at the same age, studying in the same school under the same educationoal system if not by providing an equal ground for competition? does it really mean that a student who got 10 As is not as smart as a student who got 15 As or even 21 As. that's total rubbish. why do you ask? let me tell you why..
these super geniuses' that we all hear very often popping out in the newspapers after the resuts are released yearly disappear as soon as they showed up. where did they all go? transported into the twilight zone for the super intelligent or secretly employed by the government to work in some underground scietific lab, all set to build Malaysia's new and most powerful atomic bomb? yeah, right. that's in movies man. the answer is these students got bitten by reality. you thaught what, 20 As in SPM supposed to make you into an Einstein? wake up. our education system is not designed to create Einsteins. Believe me it never will. Has anyone looked at the Spm exam papers nowadays? The questions are becoming easier and easier. Even the once dreaded STPM exams. in my time the Technical Mathematics paper which was once regarded as a nightmare for the students comprised of three sections which were kinetics, dynamics and statistics. The latest format had removed the kinetic and dynamics part totally and only statistics questions are asked. for what? i dont know. these 2 sections of the subject were the essentials of Physics in engineering. the exposure the students get at the Form Six level were very useful to the engineering student in universities in their first years. why remove them? to make the exam easier for some of the dumb students to get an A? is that what education in this country all about? getting all As? how many do you want? 10 As? 16 As? 20 As? how many is enough?
the number of As is not going to make you into a genius. anyway the whole exam itself is not recognized in any other country. so what are you trying to prove? a genius is a person who has taken the knopwledge into his heart and mind and has assimilated it so well that an intuitive force then aids creation of ideas. thats a genius. not some joker who gets As in Geography, then Biology, then Chemistry and History. education without a direction.
most of the time these smart, at least the ones who think that they are too intelligent just want to show off. just read the comments they give in the press. one gave the reason for his success as " i ate alot of vegetables" does that ring a bell? another clown said he only studies about 2 to 3 hours a day. The best was this joker who said he got plenty of As because he ate plenty of 'dates'. Can you believe these nuts? these are examples of childish teenagers who are just too kiahsu.
you dont need too many As to be successful. come down to reality. i am a doctor who got 10 A1s in my SPM. then i got all As too in my STPM. i was one of the best students in the state of Selangor in 2000. I am now only driving a Proton Iswara after 3 years of service. My school mate who failed his SPM, and who became a 'tauke buah' in Pasar Borong Selayang is now driving a BMW and owns two bungalow houses la man. i havent bought even one. DONT CONCENTRATE TOO MUCH IN NUMBERS. PLEASE FOCUS IN THE QUALITY.
Monday, June 1, 2009
unruly behaviour of patients in emergency departments.
yes, government doctors in emergency departments all around the country are at times not very friendly. i being a government doctor agree to that. but one must understand the circumstances around their workplace. the work environment in my department is a typical example of hell on earth at times when it is really busy, especially in the weekends. the patient's cards are piling up, one patient collapses in the yellow zone and and another patient is wheeled into the department with a bleeding head. which one should the doctor attend to first? of course the one who needs attention immediately or else his or her life could be lost. in order to do that we have to leave the other patients waiting at the side. sometimes if the current shift has only two or worse only one doctor working then the patients are in for a long wait to be seen by the doctor. in these situations, we are always in a hurry and most of the time running between sections of the department. therefore we cant afford to smile at every person that walks into the casualty, our consultation time may be cut short to a few minutes only unlike in the private hospitals or GP clinics where the doctors can have the luxury of entertaining the patient for hours, especially when the patients are paying for every minute spent with the physician, and at times our tone may be strict or worse ruse. the public should be understanding towards our predicament here, rather than complaining the hospital athourities that the 'doctor did not smile'. that is an utter childish and silly complaint against someone who is not even given the luxury of eating maggi mee in his shift. i was sadly deppressed that despite our best efforts to give our best service to the public, a patient had complained to my boss that one of my colleague did not smile at her during the consultation despite the fact she herself would have witnessed the long queue in the lobby. and another joker who was obviously drunk had barged into the casualty room later during the same shift and demanded that the doctor on duty to see his uncle who had fallen off his motorbike and injured his uncle. when told that he had to wait for his turn like how others are despite the agony, he stared to a tantrum in front of the other patients much to his own humiliation. so my point here is that the public should some respect to our work, not us, by the way and behave in a civilized way. it doesn't take much actually. here are few ways to reduce the queue at the casualty:
1. only come to the casualty in the middle of the night or very very early in the morning only if you are really sick, not for just a fever or a slight headache after watching too much football at the mamak shop.
2. dont come to the casualty for MCs. this is a real pain in the ass for us. have a heart.
1. only come to the casualty in the middle of the night or very very early in the morning only if you are really sick, not for just a fever or a slight headache after watching too much football at the mamak shop.
2. dont come to the casualty for MCs. this is a real pain in the ass for us. have a heart.
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